
Dr. Melanie Wenzel - Empowerment Coach


Tao Feminine Arts with Minke de Vos

After a week with the wonderful Minke de Vos and Veetao Hogan at such a magical place like Matva Sei, I feel open and centered, nourished and energized – and deeply grateful.

The Tao Tantric wisdom about sacred femininity and sexual energy is something that I wish every girl in the world would have access to from an early age!

Tao Feminine Arts with Minke de Vos

Tao Feminine Arts with Minke de Vos

After a week with the wonderful Minke de Vos and Veetao Hogan at such a magical place like Matva Sei, I feel open and centered, nourished and energized – and deeply grateful.

The Tao Tantric wisdom about sacred femininity and sexual energy is something that I wish every girl in the world would have access to from an early age!

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