I don’t have to have any plans or special intentions for the future. I really don’t. I gave myself full permission for that.
(And I give you full permission, too, if you need to hear or read it! πŸ’•)

And out of this joyful, peaceful freedom intentions I want to set for the future flooded up so organically today. And I feel even more filled up with excitement, curiosity and hunger for life right now.

Hello 2020!!πŸ”₯πŸ’¦πŸ’₯πŸ’“

I’m calling into this year to unfold…

Less words. More being.
Less chit-chat. More sharing time and space and deep intimacy.

Setting stronger boundaries and being even more picky about with whom I want to share my space and energy.

Being me. Unapologetically.

Speaking & acting my truth. Always.

Practicing compassion and love. Towards others and myself. One can’t accomplish the first without the second.

Less hesitating. More boldness and following impulses.

Playing more. In every moment.

More naketness, more rawness, more nature.

Trusting my intuition. Always and 1000%.

Taking full responsibility. For my wounds and especially for my power.
Stepping into my full potential. Now.

Feeling the fear of loss & rejection. And following my truth and taking the next step anyway.

Following my pleasure. It is my power. It was my North Star in 2019. And it proved to be so worth it. So I renew the promise and alignment.

πŸ”₯πŸ’¦πŸ’₯πŸ’“ πŸ™ Thank you universe. I feel so incredibly blessed to be alive in this shape, form, space and time. It’s a fucking miracle!! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

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