
Website provider under § 5 German Telemedia Act

Dr. Melanie Wenzel, VITA™ Coach & Yoga Teacher
Skalitzer Str. 72, 10997 Berlin
Phone: O170 9865 990

Value-added tax identification number: DE64798332017

Responsible for content under § 55 Section 2 Interstate Broadcasting Treaty

Dr. Melanie Wenzel, VITA™ Coach & Yoga Teacher
Skalitzer Str. 72, 10997 Berlin
Phone: O170 9865 990

Limitation of liability for content

Although every precaution has been taken by us in the preparation of this website we assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. We are responsible under the general laws for any information that has been given by us directly (§7 German Telemedia Act). Our liability is limited in case of the transfer or saving of other people´s information (§§8-10 GTA). We are principally not obliged to monitor information of a third party according to their unlawful actions and/or information. As soon as we find out about any concrete legal violation we will immediately delete the relevant information or block access to it. We are only liable for any information of a third party from the moment we find out about any legal violation and in the event that we did not immediately delete the information or block access to it.

Limitation of liability for external links

We are not liable for any external links or any other direct or indirect references to other websites which may appear on our internet resources. The providers of other websites, which may be linked to ours, are responsible for their content and for their correctness. At the time the links were submitted to our website no legal violations were apparent to us. As soon as any legal violation becomes apparent to us, we will immediately delete the link from our website. We are also not responsible for any privacy policies of other websites. We recommend, that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of other websites, as they differ to our regulations.


All contents and contributions, which are published on our website are protected under the Copyright Act, the Law on Trade Marks and other laws. No part of this website shall be reproduced or transmitted or published in any form or by any means without written permission of the provider. This does not apply to any obligatory limiting provisions by law.

Professional rules and regulations

All coaching and teaching is administered under the strict code of professional ethics mandated by the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality with the express intention of positive individual empowerment and increased overall well-being. While the coaching and all other teachings support people to connect to their own power and potential, it is not considered a medical treatment nor can it substitute for any kind of required treatment. I do not medically diagnose or treat physical or psychiatric problems and my work does not seek to replace such professional guidance nor does it give any healing promises.

If there is any doubt due to the health condition of a client if they will be able to benefit from a personal process, they shall inform me about it and consult with their medical adviser to clarify this situation before starting or continuing a coaching or teaching process with me.

Any medication taken prior to or during the process should be taken as instructed by the clients’ physician and any changes to medication or treatment should be considered only after consultation with their physician.

If a person experiences serious changes to any health condition during their process, it is important to let me know right away and to check it with their physicians or medical support.

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