Dr. Melanie Wenzel
Eternal Student of Body, Mind, Soul & Universe
Deep, Emphatic, Sensual, Bold, Spiritual
Tantra, Yoga, Embodiment, Vipassana
Tantra Practitioner & Philosopher
Yoga Teacher & Therapist
Social Scientist
What other people say about me
Coaching Experiences
"Ich möchte Melanie meinen Dank aussprechen. Manchmal überkommen mich Ängste, die mich total lähmen. Ich kriege dann Migräneanfalle, die so intensiv sind, dass ich den Alltag nicht mehr bestreiten kann. Inzwischen kann ich die Ursachen für meine Migräne immer irgendwann erkennen - es sind fast immer unterdrückte Emotionen und negative Glaubenssätze. Wenn es eine Angst ist, was es meist ist, kann ich aufgrund der Sitzungen mit Melanie inzwischen selbst mit dieser Angst in eine Art inneren Dialog treten, für ihren Schutzmechanismus dankbar sein und dann eine neue Sichtweise auf die entsprechende Situation in meinem Körper verankern. Nachdem ich diese Übung mehrmals mit Melanie gemacht habe, kann ich sie jetzt alleine anwenden und mir somit selbst helfen. Das empfinde ich als wirklich ermächtigend. Ich bin dir, liebe Melanie, dafür überaus dankbar. Es ist ein unglaublicher Schatz, sich so selbst helfen zu können."
"My year long journey with Melanie has been a road of growth and wonders. I am beyond grateful to have her in my life - a force and source of empowerment, empathy, wisdom and light. As life changes, desires changes, presence articulates- I’ve learned with Melanie that it is possible to move freely with all these streams, developing my own bundle of skills, upgrading immensely my pleasure (in everything), my excess to deeper places in my own inner world, and my belief in myself. Thanks to the work with Melanie, I have enriched every aspect in my life both on the physical level as on the experience level.
I also love how flexible the work frame is - never rigid, only following my own needs, rhythm and content wise. As a woman, an artist and a human being, Melanie is a treasure I intend to hold on to!"
“Thank you thank you thank you. I feel hopeful again now. I have this vulnerable tired feeling that I acknowledge, but I feel that I’m shifting something big. Thank God for the time and space these days to go through processes like this. I feel like I’ll manage now. With some extra help… but at least like I said… feel hopeful again.
It was one of the most intense sessions with after effects I’ve ever had. I’m so grateful.
I am not through with the [...] topic but this is like one step closer. Thanks again, Melanie. I am SO grateful for the time you took, because I couldn't have done it alone and it is super super super meaningful. I am tearing up thinking about it.”
"Working with Melanie means being seen and cared for. She's really aware of your needs and process and has a super kind heart. When I worked with her I had unclarity and a lot of emotions around a specific relationship. Using her amazing coaching tool box I felt a lot of space to process (and vent) my emotions and afterwards I knew what I wanted and desired in this relationship and had some tips and trics how to start this conversation."
"I appreciated your loving presence and holding space for me. At my most vulnerable you told me how beautiful I was in my vulnerability and how honored you felt to witness this part of me. That meant a lot, touched me so much. The coaching sessions did a lot for me. They made me realize that I don't have to force things out but instead I can get them out of my system with love. Also, its still a work in progress but you helped me take a big step in surrendering and taking up space. You helped me see that I can be loved and held even when I am not giving. During both sessions you gave me this warm and safe feeling and you truly made me feel seen and heard and accepted. Thank you so much."
Workshop Experiences
“Bei dem Wort „Tantra“ hat man so viele, vor allem durch Medien gestiftete, Assoziationen. Nach dem Open up to Bliss Workshop in Berlin war ich daher überrascht, dass es am Ende vor allem aber um eines geht: Selbstliebe.
Melanie und Aumsong haben es direkt in der ersten Sekunde geschafft, eine sehr vertraute und respektvolle Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Der Workshop umfasste Bewegung, Achtsamkeit, Reflektion und Rituale sowie Übungen zur Selbstliebe. Als sehr intensiv habe ich dabei die Übungen empfunden, in denen es darum ging deutlich und klar meinen Willen zu äußern, für mich und meine Bedürfnisse einzustehen und gleichzeitig aber auch bedingungslos Komplimente anzunehmen. In einem Alltag der oftmals von Fremdbestimmung und Ausbeutung des eigenen Selbst geprägt ist, eine unglaublich wertvolle Erfahrung die ich nun versuche ganz selbstverständlich in mein Leben zu lassen."
Expanding your Capacity for Pleasure
In this interview I talk about how to learn to receive pleasure fully, and the importance of safety & trust. And that safety and trust starts from within you. I expose some of the key factor of deservingness. We discuss what societal and cultural patterns about receiving and pleasure are existing. And I also shine some light upon the key signs of resistance in your body/mind-system.
If you want to get to know me a little bit better, I also talk a bit about my own empowering journey of expanding my own potential to experience magnificent pleasure in my body, in bed but also in my everyday life – and how this changed my whole being.
Maria Hubmann, who I had the pleasure to be interviewed by is a dear colleague of mine. She believes that you have the freedom to choose yourself, trust yourself, and love yourself now.
Find out more about Maria at mariahubmann.com.
This video was recorded on the 11th October 2019.
“Let’s talk Tantra”
In this joyful and diverse talk/interview we (Regine, Jackie and I) speak about a lot of things (in German, my mother tongue): Tantra, Intimacy, Sexuality, Partnership, Relationships, Love and how to keep it alive, Kama Sutra, and much more. Enjoy!
And! There is a guided practice for couples (jump to minute 45) – whohooooo. You can do it with just anyone – you don’t have to be in a romantic/erotic relationship with your practice partner. And if you are alone right now, you can also look into a mirror. There is no nudity or touch necessary.
This video was recorded on the 14th April 2020.
“Allowing Intimacy”
In this intimate conversation with Siri Berlin you will not only get to know me a bit more but dive into the delicate and meaningful topics that are dear to my heart: Empowerment, personal freedom, authenticity, intimacy, sexuality and healing.
“Meet Melanie, a lovely human being, sociologist, coach and sexual healer. By listening to Melanie you will get to know a sometimes rebellious introvert with a big passion for human beings. She recommends: “Dare to ask for more! Dare to be wild! Dare to be bold!”
And she also sells Yoni-Eggs. I am intrigued.”
This podcast was recorded on the 29th of November 2020.
Want to get deeper in touch with me and my Coaching?
You have the fantastic opportunity to discover how a journey of co-creation can enhance your connection with your deep desires and looking into the reasons why you don't have what you want in your life already.
We will also find out if we are a good fit for this profound and transformative work and if it feels aligned to go on a intensive journey together.
Schedule your 30-minute free discovery consult call
August 2018, Estonia
“We were in Soomaa Rahvus National Park in Estonia when I met Melanie. She immediately got my attention when she pulled her Bedford up to a beautiful spot close to the forest. A small van with a peaceful and strong character. Just like it’s owner; a young strong woman with a clear and peaceful vision. “My life goal is to experience everything that is out there to experience and to live life to the fullest. In a soft way I push myself to keep on moving and to keep on expanding, to keep growing and developing.” […]
We sit at the doorstep of Steve talking about this inspiring experience, about friendship, about life, how to stay true and close to yourself. “At the moment I try to integrate the wisdom that everything you need you have already. The only thing that you have to gain somehow is to rediscover that you have everything already and how you connect with that. No matter what happens, you can view everything as an opportunity to grow. But also, it doesn’t matter how broken it looks from the outside or how broken you feel. There is always a part of you that is whole and that cannot be touched and it’s always there. You can never find this abundance and bliss on the outside. So I’m trying to work on that. It’s self love to work on that, to feel at home with myself and in myself.” Melanie has the experience that it actually works. “It’s a lifelong process. But if you are in an inner state of peaceful silence and in the present moment then there is nothing else you need.””
Here you can read the (full) essence of a long interview with Debby from Rebel Pebble, Roamers – notes from the road, and Morris’ Expedition Unknown.
“Proper” CV
2018 | Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification (Layla Martin) |
since 2018 | Studies at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (Layla Martin) |
since 2016 | Tantra, Embodyment and Energy Practice |
since 2015 | Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainings |
since 2015 | Training in Yoga Therapy, psychological as well as physical |
2013 - 2015 | Yoga Teacher Training (AYA/EYA) |
since 2010 | Intensive Yoga & Meditation Practice |
2014 - 2018 | Scientific Consultant |
2015 - 2016 | Scientific Coordinator at DFG Graduate School |
2015 | Research Associate, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg |
2015 | Ph.D. at the Technische Universität Berlin |
2011 - 2014 | Research Associate, Technische Universität Berlin |
2009 - 2011 | Visiting Scholar, Technische Universität Berlin |
2008 - 2011 | Research Associate, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg |
2005 - 2008 | Project Manager |
2000 - 2007 | Study of Sociology, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg |